
Upload ISBN List/CSV

Search on multiple product identifiers (ISBN, EAN, UPC, etc.) Key in, paste, or import a CSV of your list.

Currently, only 1 column (ISBNs) can be directly copied from Excel into the ISBN Copy & Paste screen. Use Notepad or another simple text editor to create bulk orders with more than 1 column, using a semicolon (;) as the separator between each field.

Option 1: Keying In

  • Choose a supplier or multiple suppliers from the Supplier drop-down list
  • Type in your first product identifier
  • To search for more than 1 item, press enter to continue adding items as needed
  • Click on Submit to start the search

Option 2: Paste

  • Choose a supplier or multiple suppliers from the Supplier drop-down list
  • Copy your list of identifiers from an existing list in Excel, Notepad, etc.
  • Paste your list into the search area
  • Click on Submit to start the search

Option 3: Import a CSV

  • Click on the Import CSV button
  • Choose a supplier or multiple suppliers from the Supplier drop-down list
  • You can either drag and drop the file or select the file by clicking on Select File
  • An identifier is the only required field.
  • To enter an order reference, you must indicate a quantity.
  • To enter an offer code, you must indicate a quantity and have a column for order reference even if it is blank.
  • Each item should be on a new line.


The order of the fields in each line is

ISBN isbn
QUANTITY quantity
LINE_REF line reference
OFFER_CODE offer code

The fields should be separated by a semicolon (;)

Advanced ISBN Copy & Paste Help

If you are creating an order from this search, you can include quantity, order line reference, and offer code.

  • Order quantity, order line reference, and offer code must be separated by a semi-colon

    For example:

  • Quantity is required when adding an order line reference, but order line reference and offer code are optional.
  • If you need to include an offer code, use the Import CSV feature ( see Option 3 above)