
Check Order Status

Quick Search (Pubeasy Orders Only)

Clicking Search using the prefilled defaults will show you all orders you placed on Pubeasy in the last 3 days. Change any of the search filters as needed to broaden or narrow your Pubeasy search results.

Advanced Search (All Channels)

To check the current status of an order regardless of how it was placed (via Pubeasy, Pubnet, sales rep, email or phone.), you'll need to enter two pieces of required information before clicking Search:

  1. A single supplier to search.
  2. Either an individual ISBN or a PO Number.

This search requires us to connect to your supplier's database and so may take a little longer to return results.

In the legacy Pubeasy, there were three types of Order Status search:

  • Recent Orders
    • Could only display data for orders placed using Pubeasy
    • Was stored within legacy Pubeasy
    • The status displayed was only the initial status provided by the Supplier when they picked up the order.
  • All Orders
    • Used to get information on orders placed by any method (Pubeasy, Pubnet, phone, fax)
    • Order data stored on the Suppliers’ servers and was queried by Pubeasy
    • Results were not stored anywhere within Pubeasy
  • Back Orders
    • Back Order data stored on the Suppliers’ servers and was queried by Pubeasy
    • Results were not stored anywhere within Pubeasy

In the new Pubeasy, Order Status is consolidated into a single search that combines all three of these functions. When the user runs a search on the Order Status page, the new Pubeasy follows these steps:

  1. First, Pubeasy checks its internal database for data about the order
  2. Then, Pubeasy queries the Supplier’s server for any updated details of the order.
  3. If no results are found in the first two steps, then a Back Order query is run against the Supplier’s server.

Order Status Search Page

While all Supplier names are displayed on the dropdown in the main header on every page, readable names are not yet available to search by on the Order Status search page. Currently, the Supplier's Mailbox ID must be entered for searching. Please use the list below to find the corresponding ID.