Publisher FAQs
The price on my order is incorrect, how do I update it?
There are different reasons why a price in your order may be incorrect:
1.) It could be that the price was not available or not up-to-date on Pubeasy. If you are a Pubeasy Supplier and send your bibliographic data directly to Pubeasy, please check if your prices are up to date. If you share your bibliographic data with Nielsen UK, please make sure they have the latest update. (Please note: if you share your bibliographic data with Nielsen, it may take up to a week until the updates will be visible on Pubeasy. If you want to make sure updates will be considered in real-time, you have the possibility to provide your bibliographic data directly with us.)
2.) The Retailer may have assumed another discount than what you would offer and accept.
3.) The Retailer may have used a source of Price Information other than Pubeasy.
4.) As a Publisher you can change/edit the price of your order to the price you would accept while acknowledging the order. (It could make sense though to contact the Retailer and ask why he came up with the suggested price.)
How do I find orders placed by retailers?
If you are using Order Manager (either in Pubnet or Pubeasy) you should find your orders in the Inbox of your Order Manager. Every order you haven´t viewed yet is marked as "New". If you cannot find your order there, please make sure you checked the right mailbox and/or double-check with the Retailer that the order has been sent to the right mailbox. In some cases, orders/order lines may have been rejected due to incomplete data or file format issues for example. Your retailer should verify via the Order Status if that is the case.
In case you still can't identify the reason for not receiving orders, please contact the appropriate support team.
How do I report incorrect bibliographic data?
You can report inaccurate bibliographic data to NielsenIQ. Pubeasy will update bibliographic information on a weekly basis. So if you have recently updated your bibliographic data at NielsenIQ, please wait a few days before reporting it. The update on Pubeasy shouldn´t take longer than a week.
How will I know if I have new Orders? (Email notification)
As a Publisher/Supplier using our Pubeasy WebUI to manage your order transactions, you will be notified via Email Notification if you received a new order and if you have unviewed orders in your Order Manager Inbox. (This Email service is currently available for UK customers only - but we will be able to offer this to our US customers and International customers soon.)
This service is available for Publishers/Suppliers who already have a mailbox at Pubeasy. If you are a Publisher/Supplier and you don´t use Pubeasy yet, we may also send you an email if we received a new order for you. In this case, you will have the option to register at Pubeasy in order to collect, view and manage your orders and the order transaction process. If you don´t receive an email from us but your products are being ordered via Pubeasy RoutingService, it´s likely you did not accept to share your contact information with partners at Nielsen ISBN agency. If you want to receive email notifications about inbound orders, please register at Pubeasy.
Why don't some products show detailed information?
There are different ways that Suppliers/Publishers can share their bibliographic data with Pubeasy. Depending on the software being used to import book data, some publishers may or may not be able to share a deeper level of granularity. This could explain why some products have, for example, description text and cover images while others don´t.
Will I find my previous orders & historical order transactions in my new account?
During the Migration from Nielsen Teleordering Services to Pubeasy, Mailboxes/Accounts have been created for all active users who were using one of the Nielsen Services within the last 2 years. If there were additional users for one account we may not have been able to reproduce every additional user - based on the available information. However, if there are additional users for your mailbox needed, please reach out to our customer support. In addition to that, we have - wherever possible - imported historical order transactions for those users who used a WebUI from one of the Nielsen/Teleordering Services (BDOL, Publisher Services, Online Order Collection Service). We have initially imported the last 8 months of data and will provide data for the last 2 years. The remaining historical data will be imported over the next several weeks. Due to technical restrictions, we may not have been able to reproduce any historical order transactions. The most recent data that will be imported dates back to Monday, June 20th, 2023.
(Please note: Retailers should have placed their last orders by Friday, June 16th EOB. Publishers were asked to acknowledge all orders until Monday, June 20th - EOB.)
For Online Order Collection Service Users: your historical orders should be available in the status "Completed".
For Publisher Service Users: your historical orders should be available in the status "Completed". In case you have incomplete order transactions and you need to be able to complete them please contact our support team.
For BDOL Users: your historical orders should be available in the status "Completed".
You can access your historical files in your Pubeasy Mailbox via Order Tracking.
I cannot find my prices and discounts per product in my account.
As a former Publisher Service User, you could manage your products with prices and discounts in your Publisher Service Tool. This functionality is something we, unfortunately, could not prioritize for launch. However, we understand that managing product data on our platform in real-time may be something beneficial for future releases.
Right now, our Pubeasy Publishers send their prices, discounts, and relevant updates via our Product Import - which allows them to show up-to-date prices on our platform. If you think the functionality of managing product data in your Pubeasy account may be critically important, we would be happy to hear your feedback.
I cannot find the discounts I applied to certain retailers/booksellers in my account.
On Pubeasy, there are different ways how to set up and apply discounts. As a publisher, you can set up a general discount in your Mailbox. This discount would automatically be applied when any retailer places an order for your product via the Shopping Cart.
In addition, as a publisher, you can define retailer-specific discounts during account linking. If you defined a retailer-specific discount it will automatically be applied to this retailer, even if you have also set up a general discount in your mailbox. You can change/edit/delete the retailer-specific discounts at any time via Account Linking.
(If you are a former user of Publisher Services, we can provide you with the list of discount settings in use. We will be happy to support you if you want to re-establish your retailer-specific discounts.)
I have a query about my order, who should I contact?
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time either via email at or through our Support form.
A service representative will get back to you as soon as possible.
I can´t find (my) Nielsen products on Pubeasy.
Pubeasy receives bibliographic data in two ways: from Pubeasy Suppliers, who send their products directly to Pubeasy, and from Nielsen UK as our third-party provider. Right now, we don´t show Nielsen bibliographic data at Pubeasy. These products cannot be searched in any way via the Pubeasy WebUI. However, they are still available and can be ordered via Pubeasy. We are working to make Nielsen UK bibliographic data visible on Pubeasy. However, due to restrictions, the available set of data will be limited to the most essential information (such as ISBN, Title, Author, Price, Supplier).
I can´t see Title and Author in my order in Order Manager.
In Order Manager your orders are being shown right now as they are being ordered. So if an order contains title and author next to ISBN, then title and author will be visible at Order Manager. If they are not sent, then they aren´t shown. However, we understand that this is inconvenient for you as a Publisher, and will add title and author to your order manager for one of the subsequent Releases.