Bookseller FAQs
How do I know if my order is sent to the right supplier?
Our RoutingService uses up-to-date information from Nielsen UK in order to detect the correct default supplier. If your order is being sent to the wrong supplier or if a default supplier could not be detected, this is most likely related to missing the most up-to-date information from customers. Therefore, it is essential that Publishers address any change in the distribution chain to Nielsen UK. If your order is being sent to the wrong supplier and therefore rejected by the supplier, please let us know. If you want to address your order to a specific supplier or wholesaler, you can always send your order lines to your preferred supplier.
My order was sent to a different supplier than expected.
Our RoutingService uses information from Nielsen UK - which relies on direct information from publishers in terms of bibliographic data and distribution. If your order has been sent to a different supplier than expected, the publisher may not have updated their information with Nielsen UK. Another reason could be that our RoutingService receives updates on a weekly basis - so if there was a very recent change, this may take a couple of days before it is reflected in the system.
There is functionality missing from my previous service.
We understand that there is missing functionality. A change from one well-known platform to another, completely new platform may be challenging - and missing functionality can be really annoying. With the migration of Nielsen Teleordering Services, we migrated multiple platforms and their services to our Pubeasy platform. Indeed, we did not rebuild every functionality but had to balance what would be beneficial for our user base and what was only used by a few users. Sometimes this can also mean that even helpful features could not be prioritized for the initial launch. Therefore, we have a list of upcoming enhancements we will be releasing within the next weeks and months. If you would like to know more, please let us know. We also appreciate your feedback on the features you are missing - please provide feedback here. Your feedback will help us to improve our services.
Why don't some products show detailed information?
There are different ways that Suppliers/Publishers can share their bibliographic data with Pubeasy. Depending on the software being used to import book data, some publishers may or may not be able to share a deeper level of granularity. This could explain why some products have, for example, description text and cover images while others don´t.
Will I find my previous orders & historical order transactions in my new account?
During the Migration from Nielsen Teleordering Services to Pubeasy, Mailboxes / Accounts have been created for all active users who were using one of the Nielsen Services within the last 2 years. If there were additional users for one account we may not have been able to reproduce every additional user - based on the available information. However, if there are additional users for your mailbox needed, please reach out to our customer support. In addition to that, we have - wherever possible - imported historical order transactions for those users who used a WebUI from one of the Nielsen/Teleordering Services (BDOL, Publisher Services, Online Order Collection Service). We have initially imported the last 8 months of data and will provide data for the last 2 years. The remaining historical data will be imported over the next several weeks. Due to technical restrictions, we may not have been able to reproduce any historical order transactions. The most recent data that will be imported dates back to Monday, June 20th, 2023.
(Please note: Retailers should have placed their last orders by Friday, June 16th EOB. Publishers were asked to acknowledge all orders until Monday, June 20th - EOB.)
For Online Order Collection Service Users: your historical orders should be available in the status "Completed".
For Publisher Service Users: your historical orders should be available in the status "Completed". In case you have incomplete order transactions and you need to be able to complete them please contact our support team.
For BDOL Users: your historical orders should be available in the status "Completed".
You can access your historical files in your Pubeasy Mailbox via Order Tracking.
What are Order Lists and why should I create them?
Order lists are draft orders that are a convenient way to keep track of lists of books within Pubeasy. We envision several ways booksellers may use this new feature:
- Help users build publisher orders over time (very useful for those without a book-industry POS).
- Let users draft several orders from a publisher at the same time (very handy for author events or school orders).
- Create lists by publisher of backlist classics, low-price items, etc. (handy when you need just a few more titles to meet a publisher minimum)
Where are the Imprints lists?
You can search on the imprint list here:

Why are there no catalogs?
Up until now the Catalogs feature has not been heavily used, but we anticipate that its something that could be a useful feature for our publisher suppliers. We therefore plan to begin offering catalogs on the platform in a future release.