
Create Orders

Sometimes it seems as if there are as many ways to build orders as there are booksellers. In Pubeasy, you can create orders using three primary tools which can be accessed via the new Create Order tab in the top-level navigation bar:

  • Search
  • ISBN List/CSV Import (formerly ISBN Copy & Paste)
  • Order Lists

The three primary tools work together to accommodate a variety of ordering strategies and workflows. By becoming familiar with them, you can improve your own ordering process in ways that will save considerable time and reduce your cost of goods.


For many booksellers, the ordering process begins with searching for a title in Pubeasy to confirm the supplier, publication date, format, price, and availability of inventory. You can conduct a general search using the search bar at the top right of the page. You can also select Advanced Search from the link under the search icon to specify search parameters such as Author, Publisher, Format, or even Keywords to narrow your search.

Once you’ve found the title or titles you’re looking for, you can create a new Order List, add them to an existing Order List, create a new Shopping Cart, or add them to an existing Shopping Cart.

Pro Tips: When using the Search bar, select a specific Supplier or My Suppliers to narrow your search. If you plan to search for multiple titles, consider uploading a batch of ISBNs using ISBN Copy & Paste or CSV Import.

ISBN List/ CSV Import (formerly ISBN Copy & Paste)

In many instances, you may already have a list of titles you want to order (perhaps from a prior order from a wholesaler, recent sales from your POS system, or initial front list orders from Edelweiss that need replenishment). In Pubeasy, the ISBN List/CSV Import tool allows you to search for up to 500 titles using multiple product identifiers (ISBN, EAN, UPC, etc.) when you key in, copy and paste, or import a CSV of your list.

Once you’ve found the titles you’re looking for, you can create an Order List, add them to an existing Order List, create a new Shopping Cart, or add them to an existing Shopping Cart.

Pro Tip: Store multiple lists of titles as Order Lists before adding them to a Shopping Cart so you can double check and develop your lists before ordering.

Order Lists

Order Lists are draft orders that are not ready to be placed. Booksellers use Order Lists in many different ways. You may want to create "filler" lists by publisher of low-price items to help you meet a minimum. You may want lists of seasonal books for displays. You may even just want lists for events or special projects to think about later when you have more time. Your Order Lists can contain books from just one supplier or from all your linked accounts.

One advantage to using Order Lists is that you can create as many as you like while reducing the risk of placing an order before it’s been fully prepared, as can be the case with maintaining multiple carts.

Pro Tip: You can create Order Lists that include titles from multiple Suppliers which will be automatically broken out into separate Shopping Carts so be sure to double-check your minimums before you order.

Shopping Carts

The Pubeasy Shopping Cart feature is your final destination before submitting an order. As you assemble lists of titles using the tools above, they get added to one or more shopping carts which will be automatically separated by Supplier. Review each order to confirm quantities, minimums, promo codes, and availability of stock. Create a purchase order number and then submit the order.

Pro Tip: Be sure to review our six steps checklist before you send your order.

Additional Tools to Create Orders

In addition to the three primary tools described above, there are two new tools to create orders in Pubeasy.

Order Assistant (Coming Soon - UK Only)

In the UK, some titles may be available from more than one Supplier. If you already have ISBNs for one or more of such titles and want to order products from a source other than the default supplier, you can use the Order Assistant to build an order line-by-line which will then be automatically processed via the Shopping Cart.

Pro Tip: Unless you know that your titles are available from multiple suppliers, it’s more efficient to create orders using Search, ISBN Copy & Paste/CSV Import, or pre-existing order lists.

Order File Upload (UK only)

As a retailer, you can place your orders by uploading a ready-to-process order file. This functionality is supported by our Pubeasy RoutingService which allows you to place orders without specifying a supplier. We will route every order line that is not addressed to a specific supplier to the default supplier within the UK. Uploading an order file allows you to order big order volumes in less than a minute. Another advantage is that your order file can be addressed to various suppliers within one file and with just a few clicks. This can save you a lot of time. Placing orders via file upload does not require Account Linking. However, your mailbox should have a SAN and GLN in order to allow any supplier to identify you as a registered retailer. To upload your order file we accept formats such as Telelink III files, CSV, XML, EDI Files, and other readable formats.

If you are interested in this feature, please reach out to us directly via the Contact form as it is a premium service.